Monday, April 19, 2010


I do not relate to the main character, ive never been obssessed with someone at school, and ive never felt like i didnt fit in

so far Bella has been nearly killed and is ignoring Edward for not telling her what really happened the day the van nearly killed her

so far the book is moving rather slowly and not much is grasping me in.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reading Rainbows!!!!!

reading is fum people

the current book im reading is called "Twilight" i know right sue me!!!! in this story it is about love and how when you love someone your willing to give your life for theirs.

I havn't read any story like "Twilight" so i havew no clue as to what it relates too.

i'd say "New Moon" but its a sequel so yea it doesn't count any ways

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yet another Blog on Books

In the Spirit of St. Patties i give you the color Green!!!!!!!!!

In my current reading "Ender's Game" the main character goes to a huge change

Ender's Game

Ender starts out like a little boy only extremely smart. He knew alot of things at his young age like computer hacking and stuff. But he feared his older brother Peter and with good reason, Peter resented Ender for being a third (a 3rd born son which is illegal for some reason) but the government allowed it. There was the 2nd born child Valentine who he loved dearly. But towards the end he lacks emotion and has muderous train of thought. He shows no emotion what so ever. Not even to Valentine whom he loved and cared for. He felt as if every one was against him. Everyone was using him he changed from a boy afraid of people hurting him to someone who has killed 2 humans one at 6 and the other 13. He was the same age as Stilson (Deceased) and 2 years younger than Bonzo (deceased). He became what he onced hated.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

reading is fum

i read the host by the girl who wrote twilight and its about a alien chick who took over a humans body she found a guy named jared and stole his food and thats what i read today

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Evil Clown Connection!!!!!!!!!!!

In the story "It" there is an evil clown "Pennywise the Dancing Clown" who manifests itself as people's worst memories or dreams, well in my world where intergalactic clowns don't exist it would manifest itself as a recurring drama like my family getting smaller and drifting away from each other, which constantly happens in many moments in my life... there were christmas' where our family was experencing a little drama and in that christmas it was horrible just like 6 people opening presents and going to bed it was a depressing christmas.The evil in which could express itself as more bad moments like a cousins wife who wrecks a bond between son and parents which destroys everything or a man continuesly trying to reappear in our lives and just cuases drama or anything remotley like that.